Watch Opponent (2023) : Full Movie Online Free In the aftermath of a devastating rumor, Iman and his family have been forced to flee Iran. As refugees, they end up in a run-down hotel in northern Sweden. Despite feeling powerless, Iman tries to maintain his role as the family patriarch. To increase their chances of asylum, he breaks a promise to his wife and joins the local wrestling club. As the rumors start to resurface, Iman’s fear and desperation begin to take a hold.
Production Company: tangy, Ape&Bjørn, Filmpool Nord, Film i Väst, SVT
Release: Oct 26, 2023
Production Countries: Norway, Sweden
Quality: HD
Rating: 6
Casts: Payman Maadi, Marall Nasiri, Björn Elgerd, Nicole Mehrbod, Diana Farzami, Ardalan Esmaili, Magnus Mark, Arvin Kananian, Joonas Saartamo, Roy Nehme, Sonja Lindblom
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