Song of the Flies
Watch Song of the Flies (2021) : Full Movie Online Free The experimental animated film Song of the Flies (El Canto de las Moscas), translates the desolation caused by the violence of the Colombian armed conflict through the poetic voice of Maria Mercedes Carranza (1945–2003) and the audiovisual dialogue between 9 Colombian women. In 24 places, as a transit over the course of a day (Morning, Day, Night) a map of terror is drawn where massacres took place in Colombia in the 1990s. Archival images, the artists’ personal memories and the use of loops and analogue materials bring to life the landscapes ravaged by violence and build a polyphony of memory and mourning, a universal song of pain.
Functional Block Diagrams
The Mobilized Generation
The Territory of Puloui
The Animograph, or I Was Born in a Shoebox
Frank O'Connor: Between Two Streams
Who Loves the Sun