After the Rape: The Mukhtar Mai Story
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After the Rape: The Mukhtar Mai Story

Watch After the Rape: The Mukhtar Mai Story (2008) : Full Movie Online Free In 2002, a woman from the Pakistani countryside named Mukhtar Mai made world headlines. After the rumour that her 12-year-old brother was having a relationship with a woman from another clan, Mukhtar was gang-raped by order of the village council. Instead of committing suicide, she spoke out and the six men were sentenced to death, although five of them were eventually acquitted. Against all the codes of her society, Mukhtar took her case to the Supreme Court. After the Rape doesn't comment on the outcome of her case. What the film does show is the environment that the assertive Muhktar managed to create in the wake of the incident.


Production Company: Cobos Films B.V.

Release: Nov 21, 2008

Production Countries: Netherlands, Pakistan

Quality: HD



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