Michelin Stars: The Madness of Perfection
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Michelin Stars: The Madness of Perfection

Watch Michelin Stars: The Madness of Perfection (2010) : Full Movie Online Free Food writer and critic William Sitwell investigates the passions, pressures and obsessions behind that apparently all-important description, ‘Michelin-starred chef’. ‘It elevates your average stove monkey to superior cheffy status; it puts you in a completely new culinary class. But how relevant is Michelin? Do we want poncey food? Or can you get a Michelin star for a good steak and chips? Is the Michelin Guide harmful in its influence? And does the path to Michelin-starred perfection lead to dangerous obsession?’

Production Countries: United Kingdom

Quality: HD


Casts: Gordon Ramsay, Marco Pierre White

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